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expix-article-blackExPix are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated people to join the team . Are you up to the job, have you got experience in photography, videography or web design? Please contact us if you have what it takes!

ExPix are proud to announce the arrival of Tom Worman as part of the ExPix team.

Tom contacted us around 2 years ago initially for advice on becoming a photographer in the extreme sports world. We said don't do it  its hard work ... but we're glad he didn't listen!

Tom expanded his talents to include web design and designed the structure of the ExPix site after working closely with us throughout 2006. He came to know, and most of all, understand what we required both in commitment levels and quality of work. He has not disappointed us! His photography has improved no end and his web designs are unrivaled in their clarity and ease of use, yet still having the look and feel of a much more sophisticated system. Tom will be featuring on the site during the New Year as he works with us on various projects.

Tom is a major scoop for ExPix which looks set to take the UK and abroad by storm. ExPix are already working with Tom on our latest project, to provide Media Services and Website Design for the BKSA.


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